Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jummy Come Home.

Bawawecra needs James. He has been gone for 2 weeks only to return on the weekends. And I think he is gone for 2 weeks more.

Bawawecra is becoming a tip. a pig sty.

And we are all to blame.

With out James there to clean/tell us off/motivate us we are living in our own filth.

I watched as Steph used her own arm to serve us gravy for our chips as as we had no clean plates left. GRAVY ON HER ARM!

I dont know how to solve this. I dont know what to do...we need James.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

matt, the house is fine. but if it bothers you, DO SOME DISHES. at least when james complains he does so from an untouchable position of righteousness.
i know you're constantly amazed that the dirty dishes don't just disappear, the way they did when you lived with your mother, but it's time you accept the painful reality - if you don't clean the house, it stays dirty.

1:21 pm  
Blogger matt said...

i did a big chunk of the dishes the other day. as far as i can tell they aint been touched since.

Ive also cleaned that bloody bench down a lot in the last week or so. keeps gettin messy.

who is slobzilla?

1:56 pm  
Blogger matt said...

steph i found out last night that you did the entire house. that is amazing

you will be rewarded.

i cook you dinner sometimes (blush) but its true. its not enough.

we need to coat you in gold and send you to the moon

9:58 am  

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