Thursday, June 16, 2005

Carrots as pants

I didn't get to Bawawecra till late last night. And lemme tell ya I was a bit pissed. I went straight to the kitchen to eat a piece of bread with mustard on it, followed nicely by some chewie. Unfortunately due to my drunken state I didn't finish eating the bread before putting the chewie in my mouth. Tasted foul. There were a whole bunch of jerks in the kitchen saying stuff to me. Its all a bit blurry.

I think I remember James cooking up some soup or something. I ignore him now. His whole purity saga is giving me the shits. Lording his celery sticks over us. Like I CARE!

This morning when I woke up I saw him outside eating a carrot like he was smoking a cigarette. Thats some major withdrawals there sonny...James hates being called sonny. Once I called him that several times. He shouted at me to stop from the TV room. Needless to say I didn't straight away.

Did Nick come home last night? I didn't hear him come in, he is probably wandering the streets shouting 'BAWAWECRA' at the top of his lungs hoping to be saved by passing mormons.

And I don't know what the hell Steph has been doing. Probably something boring so you don't need to hear about it.


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