The Deleted Post
So it seems that James and Steph have formed a new alliance. An alliance against Nick and I. Well just when I thought things were going nice and smooth.
Here is a post that was deleted from the blog by them...after they deemed it too controversial. Luckily I have access to the archives and saved it from obscurity...
Steph says:
i just posted on the ol bawawecra
call me Jummy says:
call me Jummy says:
good work Steph
call me Jummy says:
sock it to the Man
call me Jummy says:
i.e. the MANCORE
Steph says:
but it was really socking it to matt and nick, they ain't mancore, they is hybrid
call me Jummy says:
yeah well they're ganging up on us intellectuals
call me Jummy says:
they're dumbcore
Steph says:
i hear that sista
this means war in the 'house o love'...
Here is a post that was deleted from the blog by them...after they deemed it too controversial. Luckily I have access to the archives and saved it from obscurity...
Steph says:
i just posted on the ol bawawecra
call me Jummy says:
call me Jummy says:
good work Steph
call me Jummy says:
sock it to the Man
call me Jummy says:
i.e. the MANCORE
Steph says:
but it was really socking it to matt and nick, they ain't mancore, they is hybrid
call me Jummy says:
yeah well they're ganging up on us intellectuals
call me Jummy says:
they're dumbcore
Steph says:
i hear that sista
this means war in the 'house o love'...
hmm that was unfortunate.
well I've taken your admin privileges away now Matt so I shouldn't have any more trouble with "leaks" and "indiscretions".
You people forget: I CREATED YOU!
that's OK Steph. It's about time BRAINcore came out into the open and claimed supremacy over those filthy hairy dropping apes.
as is our right!
Matt, you don't realise that all of teh alliances so far have been AGAINST YOU
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