Thursday, August 04, 2005

A house that Smokes together, Burns together.

The 'house smokes' is a strange term at that. I buy many packets of smokes a week. Now I do smoke quite a bit but not as much as I buy them. I tend to leave my smokes lying around and am happy for people to smoke em up. However, I had 2 packets on Wednesday and last night could only find 4 smokes left. Who has chain smoked em all!?

There is probably a packet hidden somewhere under a pile of junk. Or maybe James has taken them all for 'secret smoking' now that he is all pure. BALLS TO THAT I say.

However when all is said and done I do prefer to smoke with the gang. As much as I bitch about them, I do love their quirks, as Clamerous(Cra), Filthy(Wa) and Self Righteous(We) as they may be...they are still WAWECRA.


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