Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Talking Text

Last night as James and I cooked and cleaned together (we are experiencing some new form of domestic bliss between the two of us at the moment) the phone rang.

'Ill get it honey' James said to me. I think he was looking for a way out of the conversation we were having about how to plan out our lives together in a more productive way.

James started to giggle as he heard the phone, he then passed it to me, I couldn't understand a word of it. Sounded like a computer. James explained to me that someone had sent a Talking Text to our home phone. An SMS to our phone that was read allowed to us by some sort of Robot.

The message said, 'Hello house of Bawawecra, you all smell like apes'.

Who sent it we do not know, but I assume it was a random fan of this blog. Although I don't know how they got our number as we do not give out such information. The other possibility was that it was actually Stephen Hawkings calling us. He has a voice like a robot and could pretend to be a Talking Text. But I have a feeling that Stephen Hawkings may have lost his sense of smell along with everything else...

Steph was a whole pile of energy last night shouting goodbye at the top of her lungs several times before disappearing with a red back pack. I have no idea where she was going to but she sure made it well known that she was leavin.

I haven't seen Nick in days. I can only assume that he has taken some sort of party drug, freaked out and is now living in the chicken coop eating only twigs and insects that the chickens offer to him, like some sort of giant god of the chickens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahah. i'm pretty sure at the end of the message it said "intense". but i could be wrong. mwahahhaha.

2:12 pm  
Blogger matt said...

im ass-uming this is antony...

2:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi, i'm AT WORK. i have no time with such trivial matters. i would never be bored enough waiting in the freezing cold for the bus. etc. NEVER.

3:24 pm  

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