Monday, August 22, 2005

a late night "semillon"

i had a bit of a tiring weekend so last night i went to bed at about 8 o' clock.

I woke up from strange dreams at what I though was the middle of the night, with a parched mouth. thinking no one would be up I wandered out into the hall wearing nothing but a small-ish red t-shirt. through my bleary eyes i made out the microwave clock - it was only just past midnight! and had i noticed Nick's light on as I walked past his room?? my pulse quickened, with the corresponding increase in blood pressure! (you know what I'm talking about lads!)

sure enough I heard Nick's door open. like a bloodhound he had picked up the scent of my nakedness! it was all I could do to try and pull down the t-shirt over my privates and scurry off into the toilet blurting "watch out I'm naked!"

"you shoulda called me!" I heard him bellow, before returning to his room.

i snuck back out and as a precaution poured myself a big glass of water to guard my modesty. water can have a magnifying effect you know.... i studied science!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

water can have a shrinking effect too.. Watch out!

5:56 pm  
Blogger matt said...

i dont think it could shrink much more....shizam!

9:38 pm  

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