Who puts the 'Wa' in Bawawecra?
" haha - i'm afraid a little piece of my heart died, crushed under the weight of the fat, buck-toothed idiocy of my house"mates". and what use is a journal for one who has been forced to become an emotional robot? "today was another bland and listless day, in which i feared to step outside my room to face the barage of accusations and insults of my erstwhile friends" would become tiresome after a while. tiresome."
it seems he now hates living in Bawawecra.
well i have to words to say to this:
but serious folks. have we lost our little wa. 'Bawecra' sounds damn ridiculous.
He left a chocolate egg tied to my door the other day. Its Christmas not easter, the poor retard, but I cherish the thought. It will remain on my door as a symbol of the birth we never shared together...