Tuesday, October 25, 2005

sugar rush.

i ate too much candy in bawawecra last night. well i had a few bits of candy and then drank a lot of mango tang.

made me a little excitable. when nick came home i got excited and hoped he would be more 'up'. he seemed tired.

i went to bed and had crazy dreams about nick, steph and james pouring syrup on me. the syrup tasted like coconut and asparagus.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Nurse Nick and Saint Steph

last week I was very sick in Bawawecra.

I discovered these things.

Steph is a great nurse. she will do anything you ask of her. and not complain, and check on you.

Nick is a horrible nurse. he will make you feel like a slob because you cant move. My arm was really saw and I asked him to make a sling for me. he was like 'yeah ill make you a sling'

then he grabbed my extremely saw arm and tried shoving it into the bottom of my tshirt. causeing great pain and no sign of anything that looked like a sling. what a gag.

the irony of it all is that nick is studying to be a nurse. steph is studying to be some sort of arty type. go figure.

I just pray to god i dont get some death illness and wind up in nicks ward in hospital. it will play out something like this:

'nurse i am very hungry and weak. can i have some soup?' - me
'why of course'- nick
nick then picks up a bowl or piping hot soup and pours it on my crotch. as i lay screaming and cripled he will slap me in the face repeatedly and shout 'GET YOUR OWN FUKING SOUP YOU USELESS SLOB, WHAT AM I MADE OF HELPFULLNESS!?!?!'

what a horrible way to die.

james is gone away for a week again. that is all.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Is Bawawecra dead? I mean I still live there....but is it dead?


Monday, October 10, 2005

What you talking bout, Steph?

Today I was thinking about Bawawecra and how it fits into the world. Then suddenly I realised 'IT DOESNT FIT AT ALL!@@@!!!'

We live in a world rich with cultural differences, and at Bawawecra we are all plain old Anglo whiteys!

Sure we have the occasional pop round from old 'Ethno Tony' but the magority of the time the house is full of horrible pale skinned whiteys.

I have decided to take it upon myself to change this. And have decided that it must be Steph who becomes our token 'darker skinned person'. And so tonight while she sleeps I will rub tanning lotion into her pale pasty skin. Mostly concentrating on the face. I will put on 3 times the recommended dose as we need to get this bitch black asap.

Once we have achieved cultural diversity in the house im sure our readership will jump dramatically. Everyone likes token non whiteys. Just look at how popular the Bloc Party are.

ps. if this post pissed you off, then you are probably unattractive.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


I'm sick of those fucking robo-comments so I've put on some kind word verification test on the comments section of the blog. Hope you guys can figure it out.

Oh and I'm fine, thanks for asking.

That is all.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


So there has been a move in the house to quit smoking. Jummy has stopped and now only has the occasional 'social' smoke. Nick claims to have quit 2 days ago due to poverty. Steph rarely smokes and when she does its only to take the taste of spew out of her mouth...

what is left for me to do?

As the heaviest smoker therefore coolest member of the house, I see 2 options. Quit now and become the coolest non smoker there, or smoke even more than I used to.

I got a really sore throat today so maybe I should quit...but then can I really let Bawawecra become a house of non smoking jerks?! I mean we already have a Vegan and a Girl living there. How much more Hippy can we be?!

I need to make a move and fast.