Wednesday, September 28, 2005


hey dudes

i need the money for the gas bill....ahahahahhahaaaaaa

no seriously folks. im broke and i need it.

nick and steph you owe me $39
jummy its $26 for you

couch up laughin boys.

that is all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Maybe Wa should wash his sheets.

This morning on my way to work I walked passed Nick's room and noticed the light was on. This is not an unusual event.

As I reached into the room to turn it off I saw on the centre of his bed a toilet roll. One that had been used.

I can only draw from this evidence that Nick has taken to shitting in his room. I didnt even have to do it as a practical joke, he does it himself. Maybe he thinks his room is so messy that it doesnt matter if he has a little late night dump in there.

Oh well at least he wipes his arse after he does it.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Why aint there any pics on our blog for ages!?


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Oh, do i feel like the mother of the world.

Steph is the mother of the House. There is no doubt about it. Without her we would be a MESS!

She has more cleaning products than I have ever seen in my life. I think she actually has more under her bed but i darent not look. She is constantly spraying our odors away and tidying up after all of us.

She does yell at us too, but we dont really care cause she is our mother and she has to love us no matter what we do. I know even when she is screaming 'THERE IS BACON IN THE HOUSE!!!' that she is not truly angry...only temporarily blinded with love.

The other night I walked past her room and heard a faint clicking sound. I assume she is knitting us all jumpers with our names on them. Bless.

In other news I plan to do a shit and hide it somewhere in Nicks room. I predict that it will be roughly 2 months before he finds it. I will have forgotten all about doing it by then so can even take a polygraph test to deny it. And i can laugh it up. The crime is perfect and victumless...except for Nick of course who has to live with a shit in his room for 2 months. Poor guy. Oh well.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Couch from Hell.

bawawecra has has a remodel. We now have works of art hanging on the wall, a new outside table and a couch.

I am hereby announcing that I will never again sit on that couch as it is the most uncomfortable couch ever made. The other members of the house love it, probably because they all have mis-shaped arses.

In other news I hate them.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Living with Ba.

So apparently a lot of people have been asking the other Bawawecra-ians this question:

"What's it like to live with Matt"

They all use and excitable tone wanting to get a look into my life. You see fans, outside of Bawawecra I am a very important/infamous person. I wont go into it but let me put it this way, If all of Bawawecra died in some freak accident no doubt caused by one of Steph's hairbrianed schemes, Only I would appear on the front cover of the Advertiser. The rest would be back on page 56 or something, right after Andrew Jarmen's 'Kojak impression of the day'.

Anyway, what is it like to live with Matt, you ask? Well I cant answer for the others without sounding like too much of a wanker but I can hazard a guess, Here are some very probable testimonials from the other members of the house:

Steph - "Living with Matt is a dream come true. For years I have admired him from afar wanting to know him. His amazing charm and wit dazzled me and I found myself hanging on his every word. AND NOW I LIVE WITH HIM. I wait patiently for him to get home from work everyday to hear of his latest adventures and run-ins with the 'local pigs', as he refers to them so eloquently. I really don't know what I would do in the house without him. I'D GO NUTS!!!"

Nick - "Id always thought of myself as a bit of a funny guy, you know 'the Joker'. But that was until I lived with Matt. My god I never knew such laughter, I find myself waiting for his comical take on everything knowing that a fantastic spin is coming...But the beautiful thing about Matt is that he also has a sensitive side. I can talk to him about anything and I mean ANYTHING. He always knows exactly what I should do. My life is finally on the right track towards success and well-being"

James - "Normally I would resent a man like Matt, I am used to being the pretty boy, but living with Matt I have had to live in his constant shadow of Beauty. He is like a Sun burning through my comparative Ugliness...I said normally I would hate a man like that, but unfortunately I have a huge man-crush on him. I hang out in the dining room while he showers to catch a glimpse of him in his towel. One time I even busted in on him and he had only just enough time to cover himself with a towel. I tell you I almost died of erections that day. Sometimes he calls me 'Champ' and I quiver. Living with Matt is awesome but Im not sure how long my loins can take it for."

Well there you have it. Those chumps really like me. And I in turn like them too...later Champ.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Darling we're the Young Ones

I tried to go to bed early last night cause I was feeling a bit shit. Got a head cold you see.

But alas it is impossible to get to sleep early in our 'beloved' Bawawecra. I dont know what the hell was goin on outside my bedroom but it was clamorous....

Here is what I think happened:

Nick was watching buffy while eating beans...Steph walked into the room and started telling Nick about her day just as Buffy was about to do something really interesting (a rare event) and Nick overreacted.

'SHUTTUP YOU HIDEOUS BITCH!!!' he shouted throwing his beans everywhere,

suddenly James, who was hiding behind the couch at the time, pops his head up and says, 'I hope youre gonna wash that bowl now Nick'

'I WILL NEVER WASH UUUUUUUUP!!!' nick screams as he throws the bowl across the room smashing it to pieces.

Steph unfased by this all is still talking about her day, hears the smashing bowl sound and suddenly realises that she hasnt broken her 10 glasses for the day. She bolts to the kitchen and smashes everything insight...

no wonder i couldnt sleep.

also i have realised that Bawawecra is like the Young Ones

James = Rick
Nick = Vivian
Steph = Neil (is that his name, you know the boring one that no one pays attention to)
Matt = Mike.

later fans!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sloppy neck.

Nicks (wa)birthday is coming soon, and boy is he gonna be old. As the oldest member of the house you would think he would be the most together of the lot...but apparently age just makes your like more of a shambles as is represented in the skin underneath Nick's chin.

Anyway he has been dropping lots of hints about having a party, but then pretends he dont want one. I think he is hoping we will suprise him.

He also now thinks he is a 'Giant' and will die really young. I suppose to him his body looks really big, but thats just cause the only thing he has to compare it to is his dick. Which is hideously small.



Not long ago Matt and I were watching National Lampoon's Animal House starring John Belushi. Matt is steadily amassing a collection of "screwball" 80s comedy DVDs which I presume he uses to inspire his obnoxious behaviour and "humour". Anyway, there's a great scene in that movie where the nerd fraternity have this enormous toga party and become kings of the college - watching it, almost simultaneously Matt and I turned to each other and blurted "Bawawecra should have a toga party!" - much overexcited hugging and dancing around the loungeroom ensued.

So it seems Matt is prettty excited by this idea - yesterday morning I walked into the bathroom to get my toothbrush to find him arranging his mingy blue towel across his torso like a toga, puffing himself up in the mirror and intoning latin proverbs under his breath. Or something. I think this means we should have our toga party sooner rather than later.


- Nick will find some way to make a toga out of fishnet material....or spaff rags.
- Steph will still be crippled and hobble about in her bedsheet like some hilariously freshfaced crone.
- Matt will get so drunk that he drops his guard leading to the toga-dacking of a lifetime, probably care of Nick and/or Kynan. He will be wearing pink underwear.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Last night ol Clam Clam Clameroo did something to her back. Not sure what she did but it involved a foot stool that she found on the side of the road and thought it would be 'really lovely' in our house. I know I love festy torn up shit in my house...dont you?

So anyway she was hobbling round the house all night trying to get sympathy from us boys. I was having none of it. I honestly couldnt stop giggling cause she looked ridiculous.

My guess is she actually hurt her back trying to carry some other urine stained item into our house that was even heavier. Poor Steph tho, she must be struggling financially to have to resort to this kind of crap. Maybe I should lend her a couple bucks. That would be the nice thing to do.

Nick has been doing essays and dry-humping everything in sight. I wish James would just fuck him already, its been on the cards for at least two weeks. He is a damn prick tease and poor Nick is the most teased prick in the house.

We should make mention of Antony here, he comes over a lot. Stinks up the place, but we somehow love his 'company'...

Also the other night all of Bawawecra went to a party. I didnt. So there. hehe.